Well it's almost Christmas and I finally finished the tree skirt for my Mum! Quite a number of years back my Mum received a tree skirt cross stitch kit as a gift, but didn't finish it because our cat, Smokey, wasn't de-clawed and she knew he'd tear it up. Smokey was put down last year when he got very ill, and my Mum decided it was finally time to finish up her cross stitch. She finished it just before last Christmas, but she doesn't sew so she asked me if I could turn it into an actual skirt for her (it was just one giant square - about 48x48" or so - of aida) and of course I said yes!
Now, me being me, it would not suffice to finish the skirt the way the directions said; they basically said to cut the aida into a circle, hem it, and throw it under the tree...what?! To me this just seems a little crazy - you spend all that time on the cross stitch and this is how they direct you to finish it? No no, this would not do! So let me present you with a tree skirt finished the "Kaye-way",
Now, isn't that better? I cut the back half of the aida off because let's face it aida is not cheap (especially for that much of it) and it bothered me that the back half of the skirt would just be blank (not cool). I used a brushed cotton plaid and also used a cotton print on the underside. I also bound it because my Mum asked that I finish it "like a quilt" - and my gosh, binding circles is HARD! I had never tried it before and it was a test!
I quilted some snowflakes on the plaid to add a little fun, and sewed in a couple of stay stitches throughout the cross stitch area (only on areas that were blank aida). Here are some close-ups of my Mum's stitching,
Didn't Mum do a fabulous job?! She's a "great stitcher" according to Amanda!
I also wanted to share with you the fact that I'm in a magazine - the issue just came out! I was interviewed for Quilter's Connection magazine in my capacity as President of the Toronto Modern Quilt Guild and they showed a picture of my The Garden Path quilt (actually the same picture twice - once in the table of contents and once in the article).
Yes, please ignore the part where they misspelled my name next to the quilt (grrrrr)! I'm not sure if this magazine is widely available in the States - it's a Canadian publication and relatively new (only on their 6th issue) but I have heard a rumour that it is available at some Joann's stores.
Okay all, I'm off to a Christmas party in a little bit and then Alex and I are heading to my Mum's tomorrow to spend Christmas. I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Coming in January...
By now, many of you are busy making the final push towards the holidays. But what are your crafty plans as we enter 2011? Well, clear your plate, because we have a great quilt-along planned that will begin in January!
18 quilt bloggers have collaborated to bring you the first-ever Bloggers' Block-a-palooza. We'll jump from blog to blog making 2 quilt blocks per week, wrapping up with a custom setting and layout design to help complete your quilt. I am so excited to be one of the participating bloggers.
We're calling this quilt-along "Waiting for Spring" because we'll be using the brand new Sunkissed line by Sweetwater for Moda, and the bright colors and botanical prints should help you (or at least those of you in the Northern hemisphere!) push through the cold winter months and have a fresh new quilt ready for the Spring.
More details will be available soon, but in the meantime feel free to grab our button below and spread the word.
Grab our button!

P.S. More information (i.e. fabric requirements, etc) will be posted here as it becomes available.
18 quilt bloggers have collaborated to bring you the first-ever Bloggers' Block-a-palooza. We'll jump from blog to blog making 2 quilt blocks per week, wrapping up with a custom setting and layout design to help complete your quilt. I am so excited to be one of the participating bloggers.
We're calling this quilt-along "Waiting for Spring" because we'll be using the brand new Sunkissed line by Sweetwater for Moda, and the bright colors and botanical prints should help you (or at least those of you in the Northern hemisphere!) push through the cold winter months and have a fresh new quilt ready for the Spring.
More details will be available soon, but in the meantime feel free to grab our button below and spread the word.

P.S. More information (i.e. fabric requirements, etc) will be posted here as it becomes available.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons. -Ruth Ann Schabacker
Hello all! So I'm right in the middle of finishing up my final assignments (one due tomorrow, and one due next Monday) and I completely forgot to send in my email for Sew, Mama, Sew's semi-annual giveaway day! Darn, I know! I do have a giveaway for you all but I'm not going to do it in this post...I'll save it for a bit later once you're all through with entering all of the lovely giveaways from other people! I do however have some knitting and fabric loveliness to share with you all!
I just started knitting up Diorama from Berroco which is the vesty-type thing that you can see on the front of the pattern booklet (Vintage #290); here's the link to it on the Berroco site so that you can enlarge the stitch pattern. I'm actually doing it in the exact same colour as shown on the cover (Douglas Fir) because I bought the yarn without having any idea what I was going to do with it - I just really liked this colour! I ended up having to rip the whole thing off the needles when I realized that I had cast on for a girls size XL instead of a womens XS (all of the patterns in this booklet include instructions for girls sizes as well as womens), but luckily I was only on the third row at the time so it wasn't a big deal!
I finished knitting up a present for my Mum for Christmas but I can't show pictures until after because she sometimes stops by my blog to check out the pictures (hi Mum!). I will say that it is green though and very squishy and soft ;) By the way, did you know that I'm on Ravelry? If you'd like to be friends, I can be found here.
I caved and bought the entire line of Parisville by Tula Pink in fat quarters a few weeks back! I haven't had the time to start sewing anything yet, but I can't wait until I can! I bought the FQ bundle from Randi's shop Fresh Squeezed Fabrics - not only does Randi have wonderful prices to begin with and a great selection of fabric, she is also a sponsor of Fat Quarterly and had a discount code in the most recent issue (issue 3) - woot! You can also find Randi at her blog, I Have to Say...
I also received a super-awesome little box of gifties from Amanda yesterday.
I bought the 1974 jelly roll off of Amanda when she destashed but the rest are belated birthday presents! She included a Moda Bella Basics jelly roll, two colourways of Heather Ross' riding clothes, four FQs from the Dream On line by Urban Chiks, and a half yard of Anna Maria Horner voile. She also included three skeins of Cosmo embroidery floss in various shades of green but I forgot to include them in the photo! Isn't Amanda just the sweetest? I love that girl sooooo much and am so lucky to have her in my life!
And last, but not least, a photo that I took "on accident" when taking the others in this post. I took this when I accidentally hit the button while putting the camera down. I think I like it! In the front you can see my Diorama and in the background is the Christmas ornament that Alex made me at our friend's Thanksgiving dinner - our friend is American so she throws dinner each year on the (November) holiday and we have a potluck; every year she also picks a craft for us to do after dinner is over (she is very Martha-y). Unfortunately I couldn't go this year because I was pretty sick - I had a fever and actually ended up eating no dinner, just laid in bed and moaned ;) - but Alex made me this ornament (it is a plastic ball with bits of paper inside to look like snow) and he painted the little curlicues and candles on it all by himself!
Alrighty everybody, I need to get back to paper writing! Don't forget to check out all the awesome Sew, Mama, Sew giveaways - I would just love to see one (or many) of you lucky ducks win something!
I just started knitting up Diorama from Berroco which is the vesty-type thing that you can see on the front of the pattern booklet (Vintage #290); here's the link to it on the Berroco site so that you can enlarge the stitch pattern. I'm actually doing it in the exact same colour as shown on the cover (Douglas Fir) because I bought the yarn without having any idea what I was going to do with it - I just really liked this colour! I ended up having to rip the whole thing off the needles when I realized that I had cast on for a girls size XL instead of a womens XS (all of the patterns in this booklet include instructions for girls sizes as well as womens), but luckily I was only on the third row at the time so it wasn't a big deal!
I finished knitting up a present for my Mum for Christmas but I can't show pictures until after because she sometimes stops by my blog to check out the pictures (hi Mum!). I will say that it is green though and very squishy and soft ;) By the way, did you know that I'm on Ravelry? If you'd like to be friends, I can be found here.
I caved and bought the entire line of Parisville by Tula Pink in fat quarters a few weeks back! I haven't had the time to start sewing anything yet, but I can't wait until I can! I bought the FQ bundle from Randi's shop Fresh Squeezed Fabrics - not only does Randi have wonderful prices to begin with and a great selection of fabric, she is also a sponsor of Fat Quarterly and had a discount code in the most recent issue (issue 3) - woot! You can also find Randi at her blog, I Have to Say...
I also received a super-awesome little box of gifties from Amanda yesterday.
I bought the 1974 jelly roll off of Amanda when she destashed but the rest are belated birthday presents! She included a Moda Bella Basics jelly roll, two colourways of Heather Ross' riding clothes, four FQs from the Dream On line by Urban Chiks, and a half yard of Anna Maria Horner voile. She also included three skeins of Cosmo embroidery floss in various shades of green but I forgot to include them in the photo! Isn't Amanda just the sweetest? I love that girl sooooo much and am so lucky to have her in my life!
And last, but not least, a photo that I took "on accident" when taking the others in this post. I took this when I accidentally hit the button while putting the camera down. I think I like it! In the front you can see my Diorama and in the background is the Christmas ornament that Alex made me at our friend's Thanksgiving dinner - our friend is American so she throws dinner each year on the (November) holiday and we have a potluck; every year she also picks a craft for us to do after dinner is over (she is very Martha-y). Unfortunately I couldn't go this year because I was pretty sick - I had a fever and actually ended up eating no dinner, just laid in bed and moaned ;) - but Alex made me this ornament (it is a plastic ball with bits of paper inside to look like snow) and he painted the little curlicues and candles on it all by himself!
Alrighty everybody, I need to get back to paper writing! Don't forget to check out all the awesome Sew, Mama, Sew giveaways - I would just love to see one (or many) of you lucky ducks win something!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Guest Posting Today on Indie Fixx
I case y'all wanted to know I'm guest blogging over on Indie Fixx today! As part of Jen's handmade holidays I've shared my recipe for Caramel Nut Popcorn...you can find the post here!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Swap Love!
I had a lovely mail day the other day and received both my mug rug swap and my scrappy hoop swap from my partners! Would you like to see what I got?
This is my scrappy hoop that I received from Safieh! Isn't it pretty? I love the Hope Valley fabrics and the stitching is just beautiful! I have a spot already picked out for it on the wall. Oh, and didn't I say that I'd show you my finished hoop when I received mine in the mail? Well, here ya go!
This is the completed hoop that I made for Krista; she received it a little while ago and really seemed to like it.
And this is the mug rug that I received from Kelly. Isn't it pretty? She dug into her Anna Maria Horner stash and came up with this little beauty. I also love the fabric that she sent along and I can't wait to try out the recipes! You can see the mug rug that I sent to my partner in this post.
I'm slowly but surely working through all of the stuff I need to get done by the end of the semester and thank goodness it will all be over soon! And guess what? Alex gave me tickets to The Nutcracker as my gift for Hanukkah and I can't wait to go!
This is my scrappy hoop that I received from Safieh! Isn't it pretty? I love the Hope Valley fabrics and the stitching is just beautiful! I have a spot already picked out for it on the wall. Oh, and didn't I say that I'd show you my finished hoop when I received mine in the mail? Well, here ya go!
This is the completed hoop that I made for Krista; she received it a little while ago and really seemed to like it.
And this is the mug rug that I received from Kelly. Isn't it pretty? She dug into her Anna Maria Horner stash and came up with this little beauty. I also love the fabric that she sent along and I can't wait to try out the recipes! You can see the mug rug that I sent to my partner in this post.
I'm slowly but surely working through all of the stuff I need to get done by the end of the semester and thank goodness it will all be over soon! And guess what? Alex gave me tickets to The Nutcracker as my gift for Hanukkah and I can't wait to go!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Coming Up for Air...
I am soooo sick right now, but I didn't want you all to think that I'd forgotten about you! The past few weeks have been a flurry of paper writing and presentations; I'll be done this semester in about two weeks and I could not be happier about it! Unfortunately, right now was the worst time for me to get sick and I'm trying my best just to stay afloat!
How about a picture of what I made for my most recent swap?
I'm taking part in the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap on Flickr and this is the one that I made for my partner. What's a mug rug, you ask? A mug rug is basically a large coaster - it has enough room for both your mug and a little treat like a scone or cookie. I made mine using a combination of linen, Nicey Jane, Dolce, and four prints from three Heather Ross collections - West Hill, Mendocino, and Far Far Away 2. The back is a print from Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow and the binding is from Kate Spain`s Verna collection. I also made my partner a coffee cozy and included some fun fabrics that I hope she'll like. I haven`t received my mug rug yet but I`ll show pics as soon as I do!
Okay I'm off, I think I may need to go to bed super-early again tonight (I fell asleep at 8:45 last night). I'm going to try my best to blog at least a few times before the end of the semester, but if you don't hear from me you'll know that I've been buried alive under a mountain of papers and notes - please come and save me!
How about a picture of what I made for my most recent swap?
I'm taking part in the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap on Flickr and this is the one that I made for my partner. What's a mug rug, you ask? A mug rug is basically a large coaster - it has enough room for both your mug and a little treat like a scone or cookie. I made mine using a combination of linen, Nicey Jane, Dolce, and four prints from three Heather Ross collections - West Hill, Mendocino, and Far Far Away 2. The back is a print from Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow and the binding is from Kate Spain`s Verna collection. I also made my partner a coffee cozy and included some fun fabrics that I hope she'll like. I haven`t received my mug rug yet but I`ll show pics as soon as I do!
Okay I'm off, I think I may need to go to bed super-early again tonight (I fell asleep at 8:45 last night). I'm going to try my best to blog at least a few times before the end of the semester, but if you don't hear from me you'll know that I've been buried alive under a mountain of papers and notes - please come and save me!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Some Stitchy Goodness...
There's been a little bit of stitching going on here lately - not as much as I'd like mind you since I'm getting near the end of this semester, but still, a teeny bit is better than nothing!
Here's what I've made lately...
This little mini was made for Amanda of msmcporkchopquilts fame. I embraced the blue and orange craze and used a little Flea Market Fancy and Nicey Jane paired with linen to create this paper-pieced starburst pattern.
The back is one piece of Kelp Forest in Blush from Heather Ross' Mendocino line. I can't remember what the solid is (I think it might be Marcus) but I absolutely love the buttery yellow colour!
Here's an in-progress pic of the hoop for my partner in the Scrappy {Hoops} Swap on Flickr. I decided to go "sketchy" with my hoop, and made it interactive so that the little owl peeks out when you open the door. Since this picture was taken I've added a little smoke coming out of the chimney and a little green around the base of the house. Once this is sent out and I receive my hoop in return, I'll show pictures of this one all finished!
I'm still working on my next Moda Bake Shop project so that's taking up most of my free stitching time, and I've been knitting up a storm too! I really need to figure out a good way of taking pictures of my knitted goods once they're done and, trust me, once I do there will be a whole lotta stuff to show you guys! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend; I need to get back to working on a paper, ack!
Here's what I've made lately...
This little mini was made for Amanda of msmcporkchopquilts fame. I embraced the blue and orange craze and used a little Flea Market Fancy and Nicey Jane paired with linen to create this paper-pieced starburst pattern.
The back is one piece of Kelp Forest in Blush from Heather Ross' Mendocino line. I can't remember what the solid is (I think it might be Marcus) but I absolutely love the buttery yellow colour!
Here's an in-progress pic of the hoop for my partner in the Scrappy {Hoops} Swap on Flickr. I decided to go "sketchy" with my hoop, and made it interactive so that the little owl peeks out when you open the door. Since this picture was taken I've added a little smoke coming out of the chimney and a little green around the base of the house. Once this is sent out and I receive my hoop in return, I'll show pictures of this one all finished!
I'm still working on my next Moda Bake Shop project so that's taking up most of my free stitching time, and I've been knitting up a storm too! I really need to figure out a good way of taking pictures of my knitted goods once they're done and, trust me, once I do there will be a whole lotta stuff to show you guys! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend; I need to get back to working on a paper, ack!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Header Revamped and the Giveaway Winners!
Thanks for everyone's comments on the changes I've made here on ye olde blog! There were quite a few comments from people saying that they didn't like the quilt in the new header I put up yesterday, and while I did feel a little sad that people didn't like the quilt (it's my favourite that I've designed), my original intention was to not have the quilt in there and to just have the wall extend out. Unfortunately my graphics skills were just not up to par for splicing in some more wall (the corner of the wall is where the original photo ends), and had thought the quilt would look nice and would give me a chance to display one of my favourites. Here's the header that was up yesterday:
The lovely Norma of Petit Design Co. stepped up though and offered to help me out with that little problem. I sent her the unedited image of the chair and quilts and Norma spliced and diced to create more wall for me to work with. Thanks Norma - you rock! So what do y'all think of the new header (look up, look waayyy up, and I'll call Rusty - hehe, you might need to be Canadian to get that one)? Better?
So I bet everyone wants to know who won the Happy Sew Lucky giveaway right? Well, let me remind you what the prizes were.
The lovely Norma of Petit Design Co. stepped up though and offered to help me out with that little problem. I sent her the unedited image of the chair and quilts and Norma spliced and diced to create more wall for me to work with. Thanks Norma - you rock! So what do y'all think of the new header (look up, look waayyy up, and I'll call Rusty - hehe, you might need to be Canadian to get that one)? Better?
So I bet everyone wants to know who won the Happy Sew Lucky giveaway right? Well, let me remind you what the prizes were.
The winner of the babushka kit is: Jeni of In Color Order
And the winner of the Sweet Angel kit is: Sonia of Third Street Handcrafters
Okay ladies, send me an email and I'll mail off your winnings! Thanks again to Berene of Happy Sew Lucky for donating these awesome little kits! I'll be back soon with some new books I've received and a little craftiness; I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Blog redsign underway!
So I've finally started redesigning the blog, hurray! I definitely need to get a new picture of myself (that one is a bit over two years old), but so far I'm liking the brighter look...and my new header too!
I'd love to know what you guys think (if you're viewing this in a reader, come on over and have a look-see)! Let me know what you like, what you don't like, and if anything is broken!
I'd love to know what you guys think (if you're viewing this in a reader, come on over and have a look-see)! Let me know what you like, what you don't like, and if anything is broken!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Giveaway: How would you like to be "Happy Sew Lucky"?
What's this about a giveaway, you say? Well, last Friday when I went to Creativ Festival, the lovely Berene of Happy Sew Lucky gifted me with a couple of her super-awesome kits to giveaway to readers of my blog, woohoo!
Berene's designs are printed directly on to 100% organic cotton fabric, and the kits also include instructions, stuffing, cotton tape, and turning tools. All you need to add for yourself are basic notions such as a needle, thread, and pins. Now isn't that awesome? Two winners will be chosen to win the Sweet Angel or Babushka kit (one kit to each winner).
I had the greatest time hanging out with Berene, and her friend Becky, at the show and wish her all the luck in the world with her new endeavour! Here's how to enter to win:
Berene's designs are printed directly on to 100% organic cotton fabric, and the kits also include instructions, stuffing, cotton tape, and turning tools. All you need to add for yourself are basic notions such as a needle, thread, and pins. Now isn't that awesome? Two winners will be chosen to win the Sweet Angel or Babushka kit (one kit to each winner).
I had the greatest time hanging out with Berene, and her friend Becky, at the show and wish her all the luck in the world with her new endeavour! Here's how to enter to win:
For one entry: Leave a comment on this post letting me know which of the two kits you'd like.
For a second entry: Leave another comment if you are a follower of my blog, or if you become one.
For a third entry: Tweet or blog about the giveaway. Be sure to leave a link so that I can find it,
or, in the case of Twitter, be sure to mention me (i.e. @KayePrince).
Please be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry (if you do all three, leave three comments). This giveaway is open worldwide, so be sure to enter! I will announce the winners next Friday.
And in case you missed it (even though I just posted it about 20 minutes ago) my entry for Amy's Bloggers Quilts Festival can be found in this post!\
*The giveaway is now closed*
And in case you missed it (even though I just posted it about 20 minutes ago) my entry for Amy's Bloggers Quilts Festival can be found in this post!\
*The giveaway is now closed*
Blogger's Quilt Festival!
It's that (semi-annual) time of year again - Amy's Blogger's Quilt Festival, hurray! As some of you remember from my last post, I was actually going to share the new flannel quilt that I made using the fabrics Valori Wells sent me from her Bliss fabric line, but for a reason I cannot discuss at this time I'm not able to show it right now. So, instead, I'm going to show you a quilt you may have already seen, but I'm quite proud of it. Without further ado I give you Pinwheels in the House!
This quilt was actually my first pattern/tutorial for Moda Bake Shop and I still love it. If you're interested, you can find my project here on MBS. I came up with the idea for this pattern because of my love of mixing different block styles together...I also seem to love half-square triangles, even though they drive me completely batty sometimes!
Right now this quilt is sitting and waiting for a little baby girl to be born; we seem to have only little boys in our life right now and this quilt would most definitely be better suited to a little gal! For this project I used Verna by Kate Spain for Moda, and it finishes at 35" square. I have another project in the works right now for MBS, and can't wait to share it with you all!
Be sure to visit Amy's blog and check out all of the other super-awesome quilts that have been entered into the festival. I'm going to plead with everyone here to please leave a comment if you see a post with a quilt you like - so many times people put their heart and soul into making something, only to be a little disappointed when no one seems to like it. I know that none of us create the things we do just to get recognition from others, but it sure feels good when we do - I know my heart sings a little every time someone tells me that I did a good job or that they like something I've made. Now I'm not saying you need to comment on every single quilt (that might be a bit of overkill, hah!) but if you see something you really like, show it a little love! Sorry if that sounded preachy in any way, I just want everyone to be happy that they participated!
Note: I had to remove the giveaway for now because I didn't realize that we were prohibited from offering giveaways in our festival post this time around. I'll post the giveaway as a post by itself shortly.
This quilt was actually my first pattern/tutorial for Moda Bake Shop and I still love it. If you're interested, you can find my project here on MBS. I came up with the idea for this pattern because of my love of mixing different block styles together...I also seem to love half-square triangles, even though they drive me completely batty sometimes!
Right now this quilt is sitting and waiting for a little baby girl to be born; we seem to have only little boys in our life right now and this quilt would most definitely be better suited to a little gal! For this project I used Verna by Kate Spain for Moda, and it finishes at 35" square. I have another project in the works right now for MBS, and can't wait to share it with you all!
Be sure to visit Amy's blog and check out all of the other super-awesome quilts that have been entered into the festival. I'm going to plead with everyone here to please leave a comment if you see a post with a quilt you like - so many times people put their heart and soul into making something, only to be a little disappointed when no one seems to like it. I know that none of us create the things we do just to get recognition from others, but it sure feels good when we do - I know my heart sings a little every time someone tells me that I did a good job or that they like something I've made. Now I'm not saying you need to comment on every single quilt (that might be a bit of overkill, hah!) but if you see something you really like, show it a little love! Sorry if that sounded preachy in any way, I just want everyone to be happy that they participated!
Note: I had to remove the giveaway for now because I didn't realize that we were prohibited from offering giveaways in our festival post this time around. I'll post the giveaway as a post by itself shortly.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Creativ Festival Take 2!
The past few days have been very crafty around here and it's been lovely! On Thursday night I designed and cut all the pieces for a new quilt using Valori Well's line of Bliss flannel (which you can see in this post), on Friday night I assembled both front and back of the quilt, on Saturday night I sandwiched it, quilted it, cut the binding, got the binding sewn down on the front and started hand sewing the binding down on the back, on Sunday morning I finished sewing the binding down, and on Sunday afternoon (while at my TMQG meeting) I sewed on my little "Handmade by Kaye Prince" label. Phew! I will show you the quilt in a few days...it might just be my entry for Amy's Blogger's Quilt Festival.
On Friday afternoon after I got out of class I headed to Creativ Festival which is held here in Toronto every October (the show is also held in April, but in Mississauga so I never get to go). Creativ Festival is basically a supplies show where you can buy all sorts of fabric, yarn, beads, scrapbook supplies, and notions for everything! I remember finding more that I wanted last year, but I still found some goodies this time around. First up, the fabric:
I was good and only bought fat quarters, but as you can see I bought a few of them! All the ones on the left side of the picture are from the Blossom collection by Urban Chiks; I bought a few more than I needed for myself because I thought I might be able to swap some for some other goodies! There's also some Katie Jump Rope, Chocolate Lollipop, Lotus, Picnic Parade, Bubblegum Basics, Fandingo, and Chez Moi (by Sentimental Studios for Moda. It's from 2007 and I couldn't even find a reference to it in the United Notions archive). I forgot to put it in the picture while I was taking it, but I also bought a fat eighth bundle of Kona solids that I already have an idea for!
Some yummy Spud & Chloe yarn. I have no idea what I'm going to use this for yet, but it was just so squishy and soft, and the colour made my heart sing so I couldn't leave it there! It's superwash 55% wool and 45% organic cotton; the colour is firefly (eeek!).
Some Berroco Vintage. Again, I have no idea what I'm going to use this for, but the colourway, Douglas Fir, is just so wintery that I know I'll think of something! I was actually looking for some Berocco Vintage Chunky for a hat I want to make, but couldn't find any.
This yarn is actually not from Creativ Festival. I picked it up at The Knit Cafe after TMQG meeting to make myself some Purl Bee Ribbed Hand Warmers. The Knit Cafe doesn't generally carry quarter size DPNs so I'm going to use a set of US size 4 instead of 3 for these; it should be fine though since I'm a tight knitter. The yarn is Elitespun fingering weight and is 100% merino.
I also picked you guys up a couple of really cute kits at Creativ Festival, so be sure to come back in a little bit for a giveaway!
On Friday afternoon after I got out of class I headed to Creativ Festival which is held here in Toronto every October (the show is also held in April, but in Mississauga so I never get to go). Creativ Festival is basically a supplies show where you can buy all sorts of fabric, yarn, beads, scrapbook supplies, and notions for everything! I remember finding more that I wanted last year, but I still found some goodies this time around. First up, the fabric:
I was good and only bought fat quarters, but as you can see I bought a few of them! All the ones on the left side of the picture are from the Blossom collection by Urban Chiks; I bought a few more than I needed for myself because I thought I might be able to swap some for some other goodies! There's also some Katie Jump Rope, Chocolate Lollipop, Lotus, Picnic Parade, Bubblegum Basics, Fandingo, and Chez Moi (by Sentimental Studios for Moda. It's from 2007 and I couldn't even find a reference to it in the United Notions archive). I forgot to put it in the picture while I was taking it, but I also bought a fat eighth bundle of Kona solids that I already have an idea for!
Some yummy Spud & Chloe yarn. I have no idea what I'm going to use this for yet, but it was just so squishy and soft, and the colour made my heart sing so I couldn't leave it there! It's superwash 55% wool and 45% organic cotton; the colour is firefly (eeek!).
Some Berroco Vintage. Again, I have no idea what I'm going to use this for, but the colourway, Douglas Fir, is just so wintery that I know I'll think of something! I was actually looking for some Berocco Vintage Chunky for a hat I want to make, but couldn't find any.
This yarn is actually not from Creativ Festival. I picked it up at The Knit Cafe after TMQG meeting to make myself some Purl Bee Ribbed Hand Warmers. The Knit Cafe doesn't generally carry quarter size DPNs so I'm going to use a set of US size 4 instead of 3 for these; it should be fine though since I'm a tight knitter. The yarn is Elitespun fingering weight and is 100% merino.
I also picked you guys up a couple of really cute kits at Creativ Festival, so be sure to come back in a little bit for a giveaway!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
We may sit in our library and yet be in all quarters of the earth. -John Lubbock
Thanks you so much to everyone who left a comment on my Winter in the Woods mini-quilt! I really appreciate the lovely compliments and am so happy that some of you are thinking of making it or using bits and pieces in different applications. Right now I'm working on my next Moda Bake Shop pattern and got quite a bit done on it today!
I recently participated in a scrappy pincushion swap on Flickr; this was a blind swap so I knew who I was sending to but not who I was receiving from. Here's the one I sent out to my partner,
I once again used my Pieced Centre String Block tutorial, but resized it to be more pincushion friendly. My partner hadn't really given me any directions as to how she'd like her pincushion to look, so I decided to go super-scrappy! Basically, I just randomly pulled pieces out of my "string bag" - I have a bag full of strings already cut for making myself a quilt using my tutorial - and sewed them together. There's quite a few different lines in there including Far Far Away 2, Mendocino, City Weekend, Nicey Jane, Chestnut Hill, Verna, and many more. I also sent my partner some fabric, four cover buttons I made using some Verna, and a few hexagons I made for her to use on one of her own projects.
Here's what I received in return from the awesome Frieda,
Didn't Frieda do a super job on both of the pincushions?! I think they're beautiful! I also love the Heather Ross Spoonflower fabric she sent and those Clover silk pins are definitely going to come in handy!
A couple of weekends ago Alex and I headed up North to my Mum's for Thanksgiving. I brought along my camera hoping to get some good pictures of the fall colour, but most of brilliant colours were gone by the time we got there. I grew up in a village of about 200 people in a farming area and I thought I'd share of few pictures of where I come from even if the colours weren't as pretty as I was hoping.
I finished my Madelinetosh honey cowl last week and I'm so excited about it that I've basically been wearing it everyday! I also knit a version of the Autumn for Alex; I'm so glad he likes it, he's been wearing it everyday since I finished it too! I'll show pictures of it all once I have them!
And lookie what showed up at my house today!
It's my new Amy Butler Hampton bag! Eeekkk, it's so pretty! I found this bag for a really great price (about 1/4 to 1/3 the retail price) and couldn't stop thinking about it for a month. I finally gave in when the seller only had one left and I'm so happy I did! This bag is actually from an older collection called Sweet Life, but you can see Amy's newest bags on her website. This is not where I bought my bag from, but you can see the inside here (it has a gazillion pockets).
I hope you're all having a great week! I'll be back soon!
I recently participated in a scrappy pincushion swap on Flickr; this was a blind swap so I knew who I was sending to but not who I was receiving from. Here's the one I sent out to my partner,
I once again used my Pieced Centre String Block tutorial, but resized it to be more pincushion friendly. My partner hadn't really given me any directions as to how she'd like her pincushion to look, so I decided to go super-scrappy! Basically, I just randomly pulled pieces out of my "string bag" - I have a bag full of strings already cut for making myself a quilt using my tutorial - and sewed them together. There's quite a few different lines in there including Far Far Away 2, Mendocino, City Weekend, Nicey Jane, Chestnut Hill, Verna, and many more. I also sent my partner some fabric, four cover buttons I made using some Verna, and a few hexagons I made for her to use on one of her own projects.
Here's what I received in return from the awesome Frieda,
Didn't Frieda do a super job on both of the pincushions?! I think they're beautiful! I also love the Heather Ross Spoonflower fabric she sent and those Clover silk pins are definitely going to come in handy!
A couple of weekends ago Alex and I headed up North to my Mum's for Thanksgiving. I brought along my camera hoping to get some good pictures of the fall colour, but most of brilliant colours were gone by the time we got there. I grew up in a village of about 200 people in a farming area and I thought I'd share of few pictures of where I come from even if the colours weren't as pretty as I was hoping.
I finished my Madelinetosh honey cowl last week and I'm so excited about it that I've basically been wearing it everyday! I also knit a version of the Autumn for Alex; I'm so glad he likes it, he's been wearing it everyday since I finished it too! I'll show pictures of it all once I have them!
And lookie what showed up at my house today!
It's my new Amy Butler Hampton bag! Eeekkk, it's so pretty! I found this bag for a really great price (about 1/4 to 1/3 the retail price) and couldn't stop thinking about it for a month. I finally gave in when the seller only had one left and I'm so happy I did! This bag is actually from an older collection called Sweet Life, but you can see Amy's newest bags on her website. This is not where I bought my bag from, but you can see the inside here (it has a gazillion pockets).
I hope you're all having a great week! I'll be back soon!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Winter in the Woods
My mini-quilt pattern "Winter in the Woods" is in the special Christmas edition of Fat Quarterly!
You can find it on page 50! This pattern is fun because it allows you to show off, and maybe try out, some different skills including paper piecing, hand-sewing, quilting, and embroidery.
The little cottage embroidery was also designed by me and the paper transfer pattern is also included in the magazine. The finished mini quilt finishes at 22.5x28.5" and I am so happy to have been included in this awesome magazine.
This special issue was sent out to subscribers of the magazine as a little gift, but you can also purchase it yourself on the Fat Quarterly website for a special price; go to buy it here. There are so many other awesome projects in this issue, including a tree skirt, a quilt, the cutest dolls designed by Katy, a Christmas tutorial challenge, a cowl designed by my super-rocking friend Amanda (who, by the way, just released the first patterns for her own pattern line, The Frosted Pumpkin), and so much more; you will not regret purchasing this issue!
Just a little note: If you are a subscriber and received your issue on the first day it was sent out, please see the errata page on the Fat Quarterly website as there is a mistake in the first version of my pattern. It has been corrected in all the other copies of the magazine, but you may want to check it out.
And in case anyone is wondering, all of the printed fabrics I used (with the exception of the brown tree trunk hexagons) are from the "Have a Sheri Berry Holiday" line by Sheri Berry for Northcott.
So what do you guys think? Is this a pattern you'd like to try out yourself? Will you use bits and pieces of the pattern, like the embroidery, on other projects? I'd really like you know what y'all think! And don't forget to upload pictures of your finished projects made from the magazine to the Fat Quarterly Flickr group.
You can find it on page 50! This pattern is fun because it allows you to show off, and maybe try out, some different skills including paper piecing, hand-sewing, quilting, and embroidery.
This special issue was sent out to subscribers of the magazine as a little gift, but you can also purchase it yourself on the Fat Quarterly website for a special price; go to buy it here. There are so many other awesome projects in this issue, including a tree skirt, a quilt, the cutest dolls designed by Katy, a Christmas tutorial challenge, a cowl designed by my super-rocking friend Amanda (who, by the way, just released the first patterns for her own pattern line, The Frosted Pumpkin), and so much more; you will not regret purchasing this issue!
And in case anyone is wondering, all of the printed fabrics I used (with the exception of the brown tree trunk hexagons) are from the "Have a Sheri Berry Holiday" line by Sheri Berry for Northcott.
So what do you guys think? Is this a pattern you'd like to try out yourself? Will you use bits and pieces of the pattern, like the embroidery, on other projects? I'd really like you know what y'all think! And don't forget to upload pictures of your finished projects made from the magazine to the Fat Quarterly Flickr group.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
One very awesome package - or - why I heart Valori Wells
So a little while ago the ever-awesome Valori Wells showed off her new flannel line, Bliss, on her blog...then, you know what happened? She emailed me and offered to send me some! How cool is that?! Of course I said yes, sure, go-ahead Val, you can send me some fabric if you'd like *wink*
A giant box arrived on my doorstep...well, I had to go and pick it up at the post office...same difference. Inside the box was one of the most generous gifts I've ever received and I decided to count it as my first birthday present.
Val sent me about 1/2 to 3/4 yard of each of these prints and it is the most silky-soft flannel I've ever had my hands on!
A giant box arrived on my doorstep...well, I had to go and pick it up at the post office...same difference. Inside the box was one of the most generous gifts I've ever received and I decided to count it as my first birthday present.
Val sent me about 1/2 to 3/4 yard of each of these prints and it is the most silky-soft flannel I've ever had my hands on!
Elephant March in green, tangerine, ocean and ruby.
Circles in green, ruby, ocean, tangerine, and multi.
Little Birds in ocean and tangerine. Birds in turquoise and tangerine.
Leaves in green, ruby, and tangerine.
Lions in tangerine, multi, and turquoise.
Medallion in ocean, sun, green, tangerine, and ruby.
Isn't it just so pretty? I love it all! It has all been pre-washed now and is ready to go. I don't generally pre-wash my fabric, but it is highly recommended with flannel. Unfortunately for me this post from Rae came a day after I washed it, and I had a tangly mess in my washing machine but no worries, it's all sorted now! I don't own a serger, but I think I could have achieved something similar if I had at least zig-zagged around the edges.
Well, hello there prettiness! I've already got some awesome ideas for how I'm going to use this flannel and can't wait to start sharing my projects with you!
Thank you so much again Val! You are a wonderful person and a great friend; wish I could see you again at Market in Houston this month, but we'll get together for that glass of wine in Salt Lake City in May!
For some reason I could not find the Bliss line on the Free Spirit website, but you can view it all (and order it) on the website for Val and Jean's store, Stitchin' Post.
A few tips for sewing/working with flannel:
-Prewash and dry on hottest settings. Depending on the quality of the fabric it is advisable to do this twice.
-Because the flannel can shrink quite a bit (about an inch or more) always buy a bit more than you need.
-Serge or zig-zag edges before washing if possible to avoid a crazy mess in your washer.
-Use 1/2" seams (not 1/4" even when quilting) for strong seams.
-Flannel can stretch, again depending on the quality, so use a walking foot whenever possible.
-Flannel can dull your needle rather quickly. Use a new needle to begin and be sure to check it as you sew and replace when necessary.
-Flannel is linty! Check your machine periodically during sewing and clean out any lint that might accumulate.
-Flannel is best used in projects with simple shapes. Because of the loose-weave of the fabric, flannel shapes can distort easily especially while cutting and ironing. Spray starch/spray size fabric before cutting for more "true" cuts.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Scrappy {Hoops} Swap Inspiration
1. Oregon Star, 2. polaroid-embroidery-hoop, 3. be-inspired-hoop, 4. Savvy seasons done!, 5. urban goods home swap - part 1 done!, 6. Project #2 , 7. one., 8. saturdays, 9. Stack of Dreams Draped, 10. Raindrops Pincushion, 11. i *heart* the forest!, 12. Bunting Pillow, 13. Better Go In Disguise..., 14. Pillow Talk pillow, 15. dreamy mug rug, 16. birds and bees
So I'm participating in the Scrappy {Hoops} Swap on Flickr (another wonderful swap brought to us by Heather and Kerri) and this is the inspiration mosaic I created for my secret partner. Amanda's mermaid mini quilt up there in the top left-hand corner is one of my favourite things ever made - it's just so perfect and beautiful!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
My Creative Space...
Here's what's going on in my creative space today (as well as some secret things I can't show you)!
My Madelinetosh Honey Cowl! This is my on-the-go and in-front of the tv project! It's just so soft and pretty and I can't wait until it's done!
By the way, did you know that Kate Conklin and I share a birthday? I knew her birthday was this week, but her sister (Amelia) just informed me this morning that it was actually on the 5th! Happy birthday Kate - we're like twins or something (hah)!
If you'd like to see some more creative spaces, head on over to Kristy's and join in the fun!
My Madelinetosh Honey Cowl! This is my on-the-go and in-front of the tv project! It's just so soft and pretty and I can't wait until it's done!
By the way, did you know that Kate Conklin and I share a birthday? I knew her birthday was this week, but her sister (Amelia) just informed me this morning that it was actually on the 5th! Happy birthday Kate - we're like twins or something (hah)!
If you'd like to see some more creative spaces, head on over to Kristy's and join in the fun!
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