Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sewing Summit 2013: All the Friends!

Hey y'all! So I debated with myself for awhile about whether my first post-Sewing Summit post should be about my class, the general experience (lost luggage *cough*), or everything else. But I realized while going through pictures, looking at Instagram, and seeing some other blog posts pop up, that all I really want to blog about right now is my friends and all of the super-cool people I got to meet.

My awesome roomie came bearing gifts...

Dinner with a great group of girls who laugh when I curse or say something a little irreverent...

We've got Angela, Lindsey, Deedrie, Jeni, Me, Elena, Amy, and Kati here at Brio - yum!

There were great friends that I only get to see very occasionally (come to Toronto!)...

Christina and I: by Christina

Christina and I: by Jeni

Jeni and I: by Christina

Elena and I: by Angela

Although, this can occassionally lead to fisticuffs too...

Elena and I: by Deedrie

Or inappropriate pictures of Kaye trying to take a picture of friends at dinner...

by Deedrie

See? Inappropriate!! And occasionally friends say things like "I like people who like me" and strike a super-cute pose...

And you get to meet some other people for the first time in real life...

from Jess
Ale (sitting beside me) and I talk HP all of the time on Instagram and Jess (in the red Mickey Mouse sweater) is always so positive towards me that I just want to smooch her! Jana was almost my roommate and Jessie (who is awesome) taught a class at Sewing Summit too! And yep, that is indeed Heather Bailey standing behind me.

I had a wonderful time hanging out with all of the ladies and I'm a little sad that I don't have more pictures of everyone else that I met! I'll be back soon with more pictures and stories from Sewing Summit!


  1. {{{{{{{{{{SMOOOOOOOOOOOCH}}}}}}}}

  2. I loved meeting you SO MUCH! (I also love Toronto - I learned to speak English in Kitchener, Ontario.)
