On Thursday I received a great Christmas gift in the mail! Jennifer, aka Santa, sent me some lovely cuts of Heather Bailey's new Nicey Jane collection.
Isn't it pretty? Jennifer had read my Dear Santa post and decided that I needed a little Nicey Jane love for Christmas. Isn't that just the sweetest thing? Jennifer is a truly amazing friend and lady, and I consider myself very lucky to call her a friend. I really hope that one day I will get to meet her in "real life" and maybe, hopefully, she'll let me hang out in her awesome sewing room! Puts my sewing areas (oh yes, there are more than one) to shame, doesn't it?
I wanted to mention this before, but also wanted to give it a little more time in case I was wrong, it seems as if my swap-buddy from Beki's blogger ornament exchange (which I mentioned in this post) did not keep up their end of the exchange. I handmade two ornaments and sent them off at the end of November, but have never received anything from my swap partner. It's very disappointing, especially after the time I took to make them, and I don't even have pictures of them because I forgot to take them. Oh well, I guess that sometimes happens when you participate in these types of things, right?
However, this has not deterred me from taking part in another swap! Rachel over at p.s. I quilt is hosting a Modern Siggy Swap (you can read all about it by following the picture link in my sidebar) and I am one of the lucky 100 people who are participating. I've recognized a couple of people who are taking part, including my lovely and talented friend Rachel, and I think it's going to be pretty awesome! I've already picked out my fabrics for the coloured portions of the blocks (Amy Butler's Midwest Modern) and am just waiting for the white cotton to arrive before I start stitching away!
I've been slowly working on some things for opening up my Etsy shop, and am really very grateful for all of the support I've received so far! I will let y'all know when it's up and running. I've got my banners, avatars, etc all done, have ordered some business cards and return address labels, have been working on a design for thank you cards to include in the orders, and of course have been either stitching up lovely handmade goodies or designing new things. I really can't wait to get it opened up, and am hoping to do so within the next month or so if school and work don't get in the way too much. I really want to have a nice variety of things, without going overboard, and so have been busy designing new lovelies that I hope people (especially you guys, the ones whose opinions I really value) will really like.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far! Alex and I are off to run some errands (or messages as he calls them), and then hopefully I will get some sewing done!

Edited to add: During this difficult time, in the aftermath of the earthquake that struck Haiti, many people are wondering how they can help. Jade Sims of Craft Hope, along with a slew of volunteers, had started the Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy shop. There are many beautiful items up for sale in the shop which have all been graciously donated by members of the handmade community, and 100% of the profits are being donated to Doctors Without Borders. They have had (as of my last check) almost 250 sales, and are still going strong, but of course any support helps! If you'd like to help in the Haiti relief effort and buy a little something special, please visit the Etsy shop; you can also find all the information for donating goods to the shop on the Craft Hope site.
Oh no! Your swap partner flaked on you? That's terrible! But I am glad it hasn't scared you off other swaps!
ReplyDeleteWhat a loot you got, that fabric you received for Christmas is darling!
And that's awesome to hear what others are doing to support Haiti in their time of need. I love that!
You've got a great blog here. I love it that you do pieced backs too. Gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteAwww...you are so sweet! And wouldn't that be awesome to sew together! You and Alex are welcome anytime!!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to see your new shop! You make such lovely things I am sure it's going to be a big hit!
Hey I remember a while back you asked me what store stocks my quilts in Toronto... they're called Little Peeps :)